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 Real Stories Documentary 2016 -
David Icke - Was He Right? In addition: UN Agenda 21, The Plan To Kill You -/- IT WILL BE DONE BY 2030 Covid 19 and 5G - Whats the connection?
Deleted by YouTube, now on BitChute - David Icke on LondonReal, 6/4/20
LondonReal interviewing David Icke again on August 2nd, 2020
DAVID ICKE - THE ANSWER (The Road To Now-Here) Documentary, Nov.2nd, 2020
"COVID LAWS" ARE THE SYSTEMATIC DEMOLITION OF THE HUMAN PSYCHE (Nov.9th, 2020) The Next Stage Is A Tidal Wave Of Censorship And Economic Collapse (Feb.11th, 2022) Trumps Treason Exposed by David Icke, David Knight & Alex Jones (Aug.20th, 2022) David Icke Reveals How The World Will End (March 20th, 2023)
 Amazing Polly: "EVENT 201 - Global Pandemic Simulation" (BitChute)
Amazing Polly, 12.2.20 - "Breaking Your Will"
"Not So Trusted Voices" - The fear mongers are not well intentioned
"Real World or Simulation?" - No shortage of ventilators
Boom Info on Maeve Kennedy, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Bill Gates Dr. Rashid Buttar Interview - BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers Amazing Polly, 17.12.20 - DISSIDENTS IN THE AGE OF VACCINES