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A combination of window dressing and fine arts creating a new form of art presentation

München ’93 Hamburg ’93 München ’94 Frankfurt ’96

Was beim Propheten recht ist, darf der Kunst billig sein, sagte sich Igo Kirchlechner und brachte die Kunst dorthin, wo die Leute sind. Raus aus der Klausur, der Einsamkeit und der Sterilität. Raus aus leeren Galerien, hinaus ins pralle Leben. Weg von den sektschlürfenden Vernissage-Hoppern, hin zu den Schaufenster-schauenden City-Shoppern. Mit seiner "ShopArt ’93" konfrontiert er Stadtbummler mit Kunst, wenn’s sein muß auch zwischen Bettwäsche und Schuhen. "Feine Adressen München" April 1993

ART - ART ? - ART ! Window-Dressing can quite definitely be an art form in its own right. Even if we do tend to take it rather for granted, and although purists may tend to sneer at its commercial undertones. It is an association in Munich, "ShopArt", who channel all their efforts into bringing the works of their members to the attention of the public. By having them incorporated into shop window displays, integrated by the window dressers as they see fit.
This campaign is providing the artists with more exposure than they otherwise have dreamed of. At any hour of the day or night, you can wander past and inspect the unique ShopArt Window Collages, which - after having been removed - never again may be reproduced.
"The Hamburger", September 1993

Video-Clip CityShopArt 1994

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