enter CityShopArtShopArt recommended art links and other useful sitesShopArt live exhibitions
Links to other websites either useful or worth visiting:
AddMe - free search engine listing
Webs - create a website for free
Homepage fix - create your own website for free
Thaiwebsites.com - comprehensive archive for services and products made in Thailand
Oil Painting Reproductions of Old Masters, Art Reproductions and Portraits, 
Hand Painted on Canvas
All Art On Line - Free Artists Listing Platform
Orfeu Kunstmarketing
Galleria Monteoliveto
ARTslanT - the #1 contemporary art network

ShopArt on facebook

Art Quest Direct Listing Service, USA
All about art and antiques in Spain
Fine Art America - Internet Platform for Artists and Galleries
Art Knowledge News - a Free Online E-Zine
Aquarellart, Germany
The Internet Art Database, USA
contemporary art of Thailand
Galerie Panisa, Chiang Mai, contemporary and modern art of Thailand
DoubletakeArt, USA
Soho Art Galleries - Sydney Australia. A comprehensive artsite and art listing service
swissart.net - art listing service, Switzerland
scotlandart.com - representing over 170 British artists in the UK
BritishArts, UK
Art and Australia - Australian Art Magazine
PainterGallery.com - the largest painter directory on the web
CAGE - Cyber Art Gallery, Eindhoven, NL
Anfiteatro-Gallery, Italy
Ben Garrison, Cartoonist
SAA - society for all artists, UK
ArtBusiness.com - guidelines to succeed in art surviaval
justartist.com - comprehensive artists listing service
Kulturserver.de - Kulturverzeichnis Deutschland
kunstlersuche.de - artists listing service
Sterzenbach - Online Gallery
kunst-leben.com - Online-Portal fuer Kuenstler und Kunst-Kaeufer

Distanzierungsvermerk / Disclaimer: Wir haben alle auf der ShopArt-WebSite befindlichen HyperLinks zu anderen WebSites dahingehend überprüft, dass diese weder anstößige noch rechtswidrige Inhalte vermitteln. Dennoch distanzieren wir uns hiermit ausdrücklich von den Inhalten aller von ShopArt angelinkten WebSites. Diese stellen ausschließlich die Ansichten der jeweiligen Verfasser dar.
Inhalte können sich jedoch auch negativ verändern. - Falls dies festgestellt wird und man uns Mitteilung macht, werden wir den betreffenden Link unverzüglich löschen.
Remark on own behalf: The ShopArt Artists Association was founded in Jan.1993 and went on internet in summer 1996. The name "ShopArt" was registered as TradeMark in 1996 and protected by German law. Other "shopart" clone sites which later appeared on internet like "shopart.org", "shopart.net", "shopart.it", "shop-art.com", "shopart.uk.com", "shopart.biz", "shopart.c99.ru", "shopart.com.br" and some more, are in no way related with the ShopArt Artists Association, Germany.

ShopArt Link BannerDie ShopArt Web-Galerie besteht seit Einführung des Internets in Deutschland, 1996, und ist immer noch völlig "html-gemacht". Hier einige Auszeichnungen, die wir damals bekamen, aber heute sicherlich nicht mehr.
The ShopArt site exists since introduction of the internet in Germany, 1996. It is still "html-made" the way it was done then. And it was awarded several times, what for sure not would be the case today, as its design nowadys may be estimated quite poorly.

not on Internet any more
Jeff's Web Award
ArtXpo Award, USA
Top 1000 Internet Site
EuropeOnline Award
Best of the Planet Awards 1998
CollegeView TopSite, USA
Global Excellence Award, USA
Majon Cybermall Award, USA
Pygoya's Lastplace Web Museum
Web Adressbuch für Deutschland
GoldenWebAwards, USA
Ravi's Elite Award
Golden Grail Award, Finland
kpfw, Germany
Cobra-Design-Award, Austria
Artquest Diamond Award, USA
The Critical Mass Award, USA
The Groan-Zone Award, UK
not on internet any more
WebTip, Germany
"I have seen over 3,000 webpages related to art. Your site includes the spectacular works of art I have ever encountered at one web place. It is outstanding..." Beverly B. Thagard, ArtSource Inc., Birmingham, USA, 12/21/1997

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