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Nilgun Ermis, Turkish Contemporary Art Painter

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Biography English

Nilgun Ermis Nilgün Ermis was born in October 1962 in Izmir. She has graduated from Camlaralti College in 1980 and has been working in her family-owned company, ERMIS Corp. since 1989.
She has started painting in 2002 and is one of the founder-members of the Water Group. She has completed Art-de-Vivre Art School in Pont-Aven, France with success in 2005 and participated in various art events in 2006 as an active member.
Nilgün has also attended an interior design course for 2 years and completed it in 2008. In her paintings, she prefers to capture the impression of the objects rather than providing a photographic detail of it. She expresses herself by using liberal colors and motions.
Nilgün has participated in a great number of mixed and personal exhibitions in Turkey and abroad, one of them was the Florence Biennial 2007, Italy. She is still continuing her art art works in Seba Ugurtan’s Art Studio.

B i o g r a f i
Biography Turkish

Nilgün Ermis 1962 yilinda Izmir’de dogdu. 1980 yilinda çamlaralti Kolejinden mezun oldu. 1989 yilindan beri aile firmasi olan ERMIS A.S. Mobilya firmasinda çalismaktadir.
2002 yilinda Galeri Seba resim atölyesinde çalismaya basladi. Su grubu kurucu üyesidir. Su Grubu ile birlikte yurt içi ve yurt disi etkinliklerde aktif olarak görev almistir. 2005 yilinda Fransa’da Art De-Vivre Sanat okulu çalismalarini basari ile tamamlamistir. 2006 yilinda Iç Mimarlik kursundan basari ile mevzun olmustur. 2009 yilinda Floransa Bienaline katilmistir.
Resimlerinde resimsel detaylar yerine objelerin izlenimlerini yansitmistir. Resimlerinde canli renkler ve motifler kullanarak kendini ifade etmeyi tercih etmektedir. Çalismalarini halen Seba Sanat Galerisinde devam etmektedir.
Atatürk Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesine kurulusunun 160. yilinda Su Grubu tarafindan düzenlenen organizasyonda hediye edilen 160 tablo arasinda eseri yer almistir.

If interested to see more of Nilgün’s paintings than shown here please click Nilgun on facebook
